Turn Off Those Lights

Last year 80 million Americans willingly shut down their lights and electronic lives for a solid hour. Their actions were part of combined global effort to raise awareness of the climate change crisis and save some power while they are at it. Tomorrow, they'll do it again as Earth Hour 2010 is set to be held on March 27th at 8:30pm.

Earth Hour 2010 is seemingly on track to become the largest Earth Hour yet, by surpassing last year's participation of over one billion people. 121 countries are currently signed up for Earth Hour this year.This global effort wasn't always world-wide as its roots lie in Sydney. Earth Hour was organized in 2007 from a partnership between the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper. That year, over 2 million Sydney residents participated.

This year, you have a chance to join the cause. Will you flip the switch?

Earth Hour Website

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